Creative Tech Design at UCSC
Creative Tech Design
University of California, Santa Cruz
Create. Design. Experience.

We are dedicated to fostering a community for fellow designers to nurture their skills and help prepare their future careers in UI/UX
What We Do
Host Worshops
We host workshops on technical skills used in the industry to create a space for students to collaborate on projects such as case studies and design challenges.
Guest Speaker Events
We invite industry specialists to our events to share experiences, tips & tricks, and provide advice for young, aspiring designers and researchers to gain knowledge.
Talent Acquisition
We have created a platform for students, organizations, and companies to connect with designers for their projects. Through talent acquisition, we merge aspiring UI/UX designers and researchers with outside clients in need of their unique and talented skills.
Product Development Course
We have come up with a 10 week course that introduces students to the world of product design and UX research by giving a crash course on building case studies, portfolios and more! Coming Winter 2021.

Join Our Community
We would love for you to join the community. If you are interested, feel free to connect with us through our social media platforms! If you want updates on upcoming events and meetings, please subscribe to our monthly newsletter!
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Let's Keep In Touch

Designed and Developed by Creative Tech Design @ Santa Cruz